April 4, 2013 – Getting Loaded Every Day
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits. Psalm 68:19
Reading Psalm 68 today reminded me of a story I once heard. Someone asked an old man, “How are you doing?” His response shocked the hearers. He said, “I’m loaded down today”. “What’s the matter?” they asked. He replied, “God loads me with his benefits and blessings every day – it’s a good thing.”
I’m feeling a bit loaded today myself. God loads me every day with His benefits too, but I don’t always recognize it or pause to say thanks.
Today I am going to make a conscience effort to be thankful for my benefits from the Lord. Benefits like His watchful eye, His protection, His mercy, His grace, His forgiveness, and His consistent love toward me no matter how far I fall short of His desires.
Sure, there will be difficulty headed my way, but I will be looking to see the benefits He provides all around me. How about you? Are you up for the challenge? If so, fill in the blank.
Thank you, Lord, for the benefit of ___________.