Connection Newsletter – April 2015
Busy, busy, busy. Where in the world did March go? Last month I was honored to be one of the podium pray-ers at the 25th Annual Law Enforcement Prayer Breakfast. The speaker was retired Lt. Col Dave Grossman. His message was informative and motivational. Take some time to enjoy the message.
The departments I serve had two OIS’s (Officer Involved Shooting) recently, and I was called out to assist with one of them and an unrelated officer family crisis. There were a couple of recent SWAT call outs too that ended with subjects in custody and no shots fired. I am glad to be able to respond at a moment’s notice when requested, and that is only possible because of you—the generous Code 7 supporters. Thank you for bringing hope and encouragement to the men and women of law enforcement on their dark days.
January through April is the CAST (Citizens’ Adversity Support Team) annual training. I have been attending the 12-week training as often as my schedule permits and getting to know the trainees. The graduation for the newest members of the team is this weekend.
I have also been working on the final edits to a new grief resource booklet our CAST team will be providing for families that experience the death of a loved one or other traumatic event. This resource booklet will provide families with valuable information about the next steps and will help during the healing process.
I am glad to have a couple of new sponsors help make a splash in the water project. There are still opportunities to help Code 7 meet our sponsorship goals. We strongly believe providing water is a door to the lives of the officers, and we will continue funding the project as one of our main expenses.
Amazon shoppers, there is now an opportunity to link your account to and support Code 7. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Code 7 whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. This is a small percentage, but there is no loss of benefit to you, nor do you pay more: Amazon charitable systems does it all. It’s a half a penny for every dollar you spend and every little bit counts. If you shop Amazon, go to and please take two minutes to select Code 7 from a list of charities, then we will begin receiving the coins.
Thank you for your involvement and interest in supporting Code 7 and our law enforcement. Your prayers and support make a difference! Next time you see a cop, smile and say hello; thank them for their service. You might be the bright spot in their day.
I picked up new personalized plates. Make sure you honk if you see me.