The first couple of weeks in 2014 have been very busy for Code 7. It started off with January 6 with a new commercial refrigerator being delivered to the parking garage at Chula Vista PD. The new arrival brought smiles to the faces of everyone that passed through the doors into the parking garage. “WOW, look at that! Where did that come from?” is what I kept hearing as I set it up and loaded 12 cases of water inside. I reminded the officers that the people backing Code 7 love cops and want to take care of some of the practical needs. Bottles of cold water is one of the ways we are demonstrating God’s love, and they get it. They continue to express their thankfulness for everyone that supports them in this simple, yet valuable way. I’m thankful too because the new unit holds close to 400 bottles of water so the supply lasts four days now rather than just two.
I was blessed in December to receive a Chula Vista Police Chaplain badge and be recognized for the service I provide through my presence and assistance with the officers’ needs. I was also blessed with workspace at the Police Department where I can meet privately with officers wanting guidance or to just connect and process some of the content they have absorbed during the day.
Please continue to pray for the police family that suffered the unexpected death of their eight month-old infant. They have a long road ahead of them as they press through such a difficult and unexplained tragedy. Also, please pray for the family of a 21-year veteran Police Officer that finally succumbed to cancer. He fought a good fight but died Friday. Please pray for me as I conduct the memorial services and share the officer’s faith with his co-workers.
Code 7 provided squad meals in December and January. Hungry cops are grumpy. Cops blessed with pizza, salad, and home-made desserts are happy.
GO BOLTS! Code 7 was honored to be able to give away seven Chargers football field-level tickets to police officers and their families during the last two home games in December. A special thanks goes to Athletes for Education (AFE) for awarding the tickets to cops, their kids, and this chaplain. AFE’s interest in the well being of police families is greatly appreciated.
The name of Code 7 is spreading. It is becoming known for its practical care and support for law enforcement. Through your prayerful and financial support, you are making a difference and causing this to happen. Thank you! Let’s spread this special love and care of God from here to Florida!