The Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6
I recently had surgery on my knee to repair some damage time could no longer conceal when walking. Due to the pain I was experiencing, my quality of life was diminishing. After surgery, I was assigned a physical therapist. With each visit, new disciplines were added, and the intensity of the therapy increased.
I noticed the therapist stood by my side with each exercise making sure I could safely accomplish the goals. As I concentrated on intentional movements, I retrained my mind to learn the new pattern. With help, the therapist directed me through a series of exercises that allowed me to grow in strength and flexibility.
There was pain associated with many of the exercises. There were frustrating times too, as I was asked to do seemingly impossible tasks. In the end, the therapist helped me learn to walk correctly, and it was all worth it.
Many aspects of life parallel my time with the therapist. The road of life is filled with potholes and obstacles we will need to overcome. There are unwanted adventures ahead waiting for us no matter which way we may turn. Getting around the obstacles and over the potholes has its share of pain and frustration too. When we feel weak, it is wise to solicit the help of others.
Like a therapist, the Holy Spirit is willing to come alongside you. He will lovingly lead you through the pain and through a regiment of seemingly impossible stretches and ultimately help deliver you to your intended destination. We do not usually see the benefits while we are in the middle of the change, but a look back often brings clarity.
Jesus said, Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20
Are you experiencing a difficulty, or is there a habit have you picked up that has you straining and no longer enjoying life? Ask God for help to retrain your mind and solicit the help of a trusted friend to walk with you. The adventure is more tolerable with a partner who has your back.